How to get the justice system close to people

How to get the justice system close to people
At the 5th meeting under the chairmanship of President Truong Tan Sang - Chairman of Central Steering Committee for Judicial Reform on April 09, the Steering Committee discussed the proposals relating to major issues in innovative activities in the operation and organization of the judicial agencies.

President Sang urged for an improvement in the abilities of investigators. He added that the infrastructure of investigation agencies needed to be upgraded. Regarding the scheme to reorganize the investigation agencies by 2015, he said the scheme has met expectations but still needed additional research and adjustment on its targets and tasks as proposed by the members of the committee. The President asked relevant authorities to study and draw up plans to establish People’s First Instance Courts which meet committee requirements and assure living conditions for judiciary staff in remote areas

At the meeting, the Steering Committee has also commented on the Justice Ministry's report on guidelines to assist the Government on researching the unified management of the execution; Draft report of the Political Bureau on the working activities in term 2006-2010 and the proposed term orientations for period 2011-2016.