The fourth meeting of JPP Steering Committee

The fourth meeting of JPP Steering Committee
On March 28, the JPP Steering Committee under  Ministry of Justice under held its 4th meeting to review  the activities in 2011 and operating orientation for 2012. Deputy Minister Hoang The Lien and Ms. Vanessa Vega Sáenz, counselor of Danish  Embassy to Vietnam, co-chaired the meeting.

The sponsors and Ministry of Justice agreed that JPP operations have gained notable achievements, actively contributing to the legal reforms in Vietnam.

Deputy Minister Hoang The Lien said that in 2011, the Ministry of Justice has deployed 35/ 37 activities, reaching 94.6% of the plan.

Reaffirmed the support of donors with the Justice Partnership Program, Ms. Vanessa Vega Sáenz hoped that the achieved results would bring benefits to people and enterprises.

In 2012, the Steering Committee agreed that JPP activities had to associate with the goals of improving procedures to ensure consistency, democracy, transparency and respect for human rights, reorganizing and improving the capacity of the legal and judicial agencies and their officials.