The Government’s program on Legal Dissemination and Education in the stage 2008- 2012

The Government’s program on Legal Dissemination and Education in the stage 2008- 2012
Ministry of Justice on April 05 hosted Steering Committee meeting of four projects under the Government’s Program on Legal Dissemination and Education in term 2008-2012 (issued together with Decision No. 37/2008/QD- TTg of the Prime Minister). According to Deputy Minister of Justice Nguyen Thuy Hien, the 5-Year online summary of program implementation is planned in September after the Ministries of Justice, Education and Training; Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, Agriculture and Rural Development organized their summary of projects.

As mentioned in the preliminary evaluation of the ministries involving in the program, the projects in the program have been synchronizely and integratedly implemented through the country, raising the participation and coordination of all levels, sectors, organizations, unions as well as the support of the people. Therefore, the project has achieved encouraging results, initially creating the notable points in the legal dissemination and education...
Mr. Nguyen Duy Lam - Director of Legal Dissemination and Education Department under MOJ, Vice Chairman of 02 project Steering Committee, expected in April the Prime Minister  would approve  the implementation of 04 projects under Programme till 2016 to serve the Party’s guidelines and policies on legal education in the new stage.