Publication of ordinance on the code of the law system: to build a transparent and easily accessible legal system

Publication of ordinance on the code of the law system:  to build a transparent and easily accessible legal system
It is confirmed by Deputy Minister of Justice Le Thanh Long in the press conference announcing the State President’s order on publication of Ordinance on the code of the law system hosted by the State President's Office on May 09.

The Ordinance was aimed to create a legal basis for central-level State agencies to review and re-organise the current legal documents according to topics such as national security, insurance, social welfare policies, and post and telecommunication. The Ordinance includes four chapters and 18 articles. It takes effect from July 1, 2013.

The code, to be used as a tool in legal consultation and application, was expected to help make the legal system more transparent.

The Codification was structured into 45 topics based on criteria as the legal field. In the case of implementation process, if necessary, the Government decided to add new topics at the request of the Ministry of Justice. In particular, the code would be maintained, updated on the MOJ portal and used free of charge.

State holds legal rights to the Codification and encourage socialization in the publishment. All agencies, organizations and individuals have the right to exploit and use it. If errors are detected,  users should send a proposal to the Ministry of Justice. Ministry of Justice shall preside over and coordinate with the related agencies to consider proposals for handling errors.