The second meeting of the NA Committee for drafting amendments to the 1992 Constitution: paying more attention to human rights

At the second meeting of the NA Committee for drafting amendments to the 1992 Constitution on February 21, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said that the amendments to the 1992 Constitution  took place in the context the entire Party, people and the army were trying to implement the resolution of the 11th National Congress of the Communist Party, promote the rennovation process to meet the country's current development needs, forecast global and regional trends, perfect the basic law  to serve the common cause of the whole country and people as well as comply with the resolution passed by the 11th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam.
National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said that the draft amendments to the Constitution should be based on the ultimate goal of meeting Vietnam’s long- term and sustainable needs. The draft amendments also need to promote the people’s democracy, affirm the nature of a State: of the people, by the people and for the people, and clarify Vietnam as a socialist country.

Mr Hung emphasized the necessity for the draft amendments to affirm the legal status and leading role of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the close relations between the Party and the people.

The second meeting of the NA Committee for drafting amendments to the 1992 Constitution focused on assessing the draft report reviewing the implementation of the 1992 Constitution, commenting on some major orientations in the draft amendments to the 1992 Constitution. The Committee would give comments on the design layout, chapters, articles of the amended Constitution which should be commensurate with the role and position of a basic law of Vietnam. Members of the Committee also gave opinions on the functions, duties, authority and the basic orientations for the organization and operating mode of the legislative, judicial and administrative agencies as well as other important institutions such as President, the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme people’s Procuracy, the State Audit .../.-ITD