Consultation workshop on a legal framework for combating child sex tourism

Consultation workshop on a legal framework for combating child sex tourism
On February 20-21, Ministry of Justice in collaboration with United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) held a consultation workshop titled " A legal framework for combating child sex tourism " in Do Son, Hai Phong.
Attending the conference were more than 50 representatives from central and local agencies ( Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Labour, Invalid and Social Affairs, Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Procuracy….) as well as international organizations (UNODC, World Vision, UNIAP, UNICEF, CEFACOM, INTERPOL, AusAID,…).

At the workshop, participants were introduced to Project childhood supported by AusAID in 4 years (2010-2014) on combating child sex tourism. This project is implemented in four Southeast Asian countries, including Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.

The participants also heard latest information on the investigation and solutions to the child sex crime.Besides, the international experts and specialists from the Ministry of Justice presented  some initial researching results on the evaluation of Vietnam’s legal system related to the fight against crime on child sex tourism. On that basis, the participants discussed various matters such as: the inadequacies in the current legal system of Vietnam on this issue; measures to improve the effectiveness of the fight against crime on child sex in Hai Phong as well as in the whole country; activities of technical assistance that UNODC could perform within the framework of the project that helped Vietnam’s legal system to meet the requirements of international standards./.-ITD