Conference on Office activities for 2012

Conference on Office activities for 2012
On February17, Ministry of Justice held a Conference deploying the Office’s activities for 2012 and reviewing the Project on strengthening organization and innovating activities of the Office of the Ministry of Justice from 2009 to 2011.

Attending the meeting were representatives of the Central Party Committee Office, leaders and staff of units under the MOJ, representatives from Ha Noi Departments of Justice and Civil Judgment Enforcement. Deputy Minister Hoang The Lien and Deputy Minister Le Hong Son co-chaired the Conference.

The report summarizing Office’s activities in 2011, tasks and solutions for 2012 showed that these tasks have been synchronously implemented in 2011; the advisory functions has been actively carried out. The coordination between Office of the Ministry with other units was made mor regularly, closely and effectively than ever...

Through three-year implementation of the Project on strengthening organization and innovating activities of the Office of the Ministry of Justice, the role of the Ministry’s Office has been raised, effectively serving the assigned political tasks.

Having speech at the Conference, Deputy Minister Hoang The Lien affirmed that office activities has made positive contributions, effectively serve the political tasks of the sector ... On behalf of the Ministry’s leaders, he praised the achievements and the maturity of the Ministry’s office in 2011.

However, as mentioned by Deputy Minister Hoang The Lien, the Office’s activities still witnessed certain shortcomings that need overcoming such as: the IT application in Office’s activities to improve the working efficiency, thrift practices in Ministry’s activities, well-preparations for Ministry’s meetings…
Also at the Conference, Mr. Dam Van Tuan, Deputy Chief Executive of the Office has announced decisions on emulation and reward of Office./.ITD