Awarding medals “on the contribution to justice development in Vietnam” to two Japanese Professors

Awarding medals “on the contribution to justice development in Vietnam” to two Japanese Professors
To acknowledge the contribution to Justice Sector over the past years, Ministry of Justice rewarded the medals “on the contribution to justice development in Vietnam” to Professor Michinari Hamaguchi and Professor Aikyo Masanori, President and Vice President of Nagoya University respectively.

At the reception, Deputy Minister Phan Chi Hieu gave thanks to Japan Government, People and Nagoya University for their valuable assistance to the legal building and implementation, especially in the law training and education. He expressed his hope that Ministry of Justice continue to receive the support from Japan partners in legal and judicial reforms.

Sharing information on the opening satellite school of Nagoya University in Vietnam that offers doctoral courses, Professor Michinari Hamaguchi thanked the Ministry for its support to the Project and pledged to promote the cooperation between two sides.