The 3rd meeting of Central steering committee for judicial reform

The 3rd meeting of Central steering committee for judicial reform
The third meeting of judicial reform committee was held in Hanoi on December 22 under the chair of State President Truong Tan Sang.
The meeting aimed at discussing two projects related to the new model of criminal procedure and shifting the People's Procuracy to the public prosecutor's office.

At the meeting, delegates heard a representative from the People's Procuracy speak on the progress being made in finalising the two projects. Members then voiced their opinions over the need to clarify the rights and responsibilities between the investigation office and the People's Procuracy, and the need for a legal framework to oversee criminal judiciary activities.

The President asked the People's Procuracy representative to study the ideas expressed at the meeting and continue working on the two projects, which will soon be submitted to the central steering committee./.-ITD