Justice Partnership Programme (JPP) steering committee meeting

Justice Partnership Programme (JPP) steering committee meeting
On November 18, JPP Steering Committee convened its annual meeting in Hanoi to discuss measures to ensure the program’s effective operations. Deputy Minister of Justice Hoang The Lien and Danish Ambassador John Nielsen co-chaired the meeting. Attending the meeting were representatives of the Supreme People’s Court and Supreme People’s Procuracy, Vietnam Bar Federation, donors, and related agencies.
Deputy Minister Hoang The Lien and Danish Ambassador John Nielsen has delivered opening speeches and emphasized that the meeting presented a chance for stakeholders to report on the implementation of the program, the lesson learnt, as well as necessary adjustments in the future.

Mr. Nguyen Van Quyen, Vice Head of Steering Committee for Central Government Reform of Justice, has made a presentation to update information and priorities in judicial reform in 2012 and subsequent years and devise orientations for judicial agencies to carry out the program.

By the end of the meeting, Deputy Minister Hoang The Lien summarized the  requirements that the representatives had raised during the meeting: institution building, firstly focusing on constitutional amendments; priorities on legal implementation, focusing on training and strengthening human resources for judicial reform.

The event offered a platform for reflecting the recent achievements of judicial reform and discussing related controversial issues./.-ITD