The Seminar on criminal record Law

The Seminar on criminal record Law
Within the scope of the three - year Cooperation Program implementing the Joint Declaration on Cooperation in the legal and judicial fields signed between Governments of Vietnam and the Federal Republic of Germany, Ministry of Justice on October 31 held a seminar on the Law of Criminal Records.
Attending the seminar were representatives of the KAS to Hanoi, the Ministries and related agencies such as the Office of the National Assembly, Supreme People's Court, the Central Military Court, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Finance, local Justice Departments, Courts and Civil Judgment Enforcement Departments. From the Ministry of Justice were delegates from National Criminal Record Center, General Department of Civil Judgment Enforcement, Judicial Academy, International Cooperation Department, Criminal and Administrative Legislation Department and Judicial Administration Department. Deputy Minister Pham Quy Ty attended and co -chaired the seminar.

At the seminar, Professor Ansgar Staudinger, a legal expert from the Federal Republic of Germany, briefly introduced German legal system in the area of criminal records and Ms Do Thuy Lan, Deputy Director of National Criminal Record Center, presented Vietnam’s laws on criminal records.

Speaking at the conference, Deputy Minister Pham Quy Ty expressed the hope that, on the basis of studying and exchanging German experiences, the seminar participants would make suggestions and recommendations on criminal records to further perfect the legal system and raise efficiency of the criminal record management in Vietnam./.-ITD