Standing Committee of the National Assembly discussed the draft of Law on Enforcement of Civil Judgments

On 21 April 2014, Standing Committee of the 13th National Assembly discussed the draft of Law on Enforcement of Civil Judgments (amended), at its 27th session.

Compared to the current Law on Enforcement of Civil Judgments, 11 new articles have been added, 65 out of 183 articles have been amended and 4 out of 183 articles have been repealed in the draft Law. The main contents of the amendment consist of 9 groups of issues. Some of them are rights and obligations of involved parties; roles and obligations of People’s Courts, People’s Procuracies and People’s Committees at all levels in enforcement of civil judgments; procedures of civil judgment enforcement and the socialization of civil judgment enforcement.

Discussing the contents listed above, some delegates focused on the following matters: some points of the Draft should be edited to ensure the constitutionality and legality; the competence of courts to issue decisions of civil judgment enforcement is not appropriate. In addition, because of the connections between the Law on Enforcement of Civil Judgments, the Law on Organization of People’s Court and the Law on Organization of People’s Procuracy, the draft Law should be adopted after the adoption of these Laws.

Concluding the discussion, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Uong Chu Luu said that it is appropriate to re-consider the provision on the competence of courts to issue decisions of civil judgment enforcement, ensuring the administrative procedure reforms and the practice. The Vice Chairman also emphasized that the Drafting Committee needs to continuously collect comments and edit the draft Law before summiting to the National Assembly for comments.