Draft Land Law (Revised): No compensation if the State recovers land for violating


Accordingly, the State of proactive land acquisition by the district land use plan was announced, organizing the compensation, support and resettlement to create land "clean"; then, the State land allocation, land lease to use land for the purposes of defense, security, national interests, public interests or auction of land use rights, land lease for the implementation of investment projects socio-economic development. For investment projects in accordance with the planning, land use planning, domestic investors make the transfer, lease of land use rights, contributed capital with the land use rights of the economic organization, households and individuals to carry out the project.

The draft law provides no compensation for land and assets invested in land in the case of State revoked for violations to raise awareness of land users to use land efficiently, saving more; limited run project status for the purpose of speculation. Many reviews of the Economic Committee endorsed the provisions of land recovery by the land use violations of land legislation; land recovered in these cases not be returned to land use, rent has been paid, not paid the value of investments and assets attached to land.