Official and civil servant conference of Justice Ministry

Official and civil servant conference of Justice Ministry
On January 13, Ministry of Justice organised the official and civil servant conference reviewing the work in 2011.
At the conference, the participants heard reports on the results gained in 2011, tasks and solutions for the work in 2011; summary of the grassroots democratic regulation in Ministry of Justice in 2011, tasks and orientations for 2012; the emulation movement and commendation work in 2011 as well as the report of the inspectorate Commission

Disscussing at the meeting, the delegates agreed with the reports and suggested proposals and recommendation of the related issues.

Acknowleging and highly appreciating the achievements of the Ministry’s trade union in 2011, Ms Nguyen Giang Tue Minh, Vice Chairman of Vietnam Trade Union, affirmed that the Trade Union has gradually confirmed its role in caring and protecting the rights, legitimate interests for officials and civil servants.

On behalf of the Ministry’s leaders, Deputy Minister Hoang The Lien promised to continue promoting the spirits of “ unity, discipline, responsibility, innovation and development”; expanding democracy; upholding the principle of equality and transparency; better caring for material and spiritual life and creating the friendly working environments for the whole officials and civil servants./.-ITD