Conference on the major orientations preparing for the construction of the Civil Status Law

Conference on  the major orientations preparing for the construction of the Civil Status Law
In the framework of  technical assistance project on reforming the judicial and legal system  with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Ministry of Justice on December 06 organized the Conference on the Major orientations  preparing  for the construction of the Civil Status Law.
Attending the conference were representatives from JICA Project, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government Office, the Supreme People's Court, the Central Committee of the Fatherland Front; Justice Departments of Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh, Haiphong and related agencies. Deputy Director of Judicial Administration Department Nguyen Quoc Cuong chaired the Conference.

At the Conference, Mr. Nguyen Quoc Cuong presented the major orientations to prepare for the construction of the Civil Status Law and set forth the basic limitations such as the provisions of law are dispersed in various documents each; the civil status registration is heavily administrative in nature; authorization of civil status registration is still cumbersome. Thus, several orientations for the content of Civil Status Law have been proposed, such as building up the professional and modern civil status registration and management systems; adjusting the assignments of the civil status registration and management; building the database on civil status.

The conference’s participants also heard JICA experts introduce the Civil Status Law of Japan as well as practical experiences in this field. They then exchanged views and made recomendations on the civil status work./.-ITD