Ministry of Justice announced the result of systematization of legal documents in the field of its state management

On 3 March 2014, Minister of Justice Ha Hung Cuong signed Decision No. 480/QD-BTP announcing the result of systematization of legal documents in the field of state management of the Ministry up to 31 December 2013.

According to the Decision, the result of systematization can be listed as follows:

1. A volume of codified legal documents still in force in the field of state management of the Ministry of Justice up to 31 December 2013;

2. A list of legal documents being subjects of codification in the field of state management of the Ministry of Justice up to 31 December 2013;

3. A list of legal documents still in force in the field of state management of the Ministry of Justice up to 31 December 2013;

4. A list of legal documents wholly or partly expired in the field of state management of the Ministry of Justice up to 31 December 2013;

5. A list of legal documents need to be amended, repealed or promulgated by new ones in the field of state management of the Ministry of Justice up to 31 December 2013.

Pursuant to Government’s Decree No. 22/2013/ND-CP dated March13, 2013 of the on the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Justice Ministry, legal documents in the field of its state management have been arranged in twenty sectors, as follows:

1.      Judicial affair support (lawyers, legal consultancy, notary, judicial expertise, auction and commercial arbitration);

2.      State compensation;

3.      Civil – Economic laws;

4.      Registration of secured transactions;

5.      Criminal and administrative laws; handling of administrative violations;

6.      Civil status, nationality and authentication;

7.      International cooperation;

8.      Planning and finance;

9.      Administration procedure management;

10.    Legal documents post-review; review, systematization, consolidation and codification of legal documents;

11.     Criminal record;

12.     Adoption;

13.     International law;

14.    Legal dissemination and education and mediation at grassroots levels;

15.    Emulation and rewards;

16.    Civil judgment execution;

17.    Organization and personnel;

18.    Legal aids;

19.    Legal development, law implementation monitoring and the activities of legal units;

20.    Others.