International Experiences on legal and judicial reform
Judicial training in ASEAN

By providing a synopsis of the different structures and programmes in the region and, in the process, highlighting good practices, Judicial Training in ASEAN: A Comparative Overview of Systems and Programs aims to assist ASEAN judicial training institutions and other interested stakeholders in promoting cross-border collaboration on judicial training across ASEAN.

Judicial Training in Viet Nam

Country sheet No. 10 of Judicial Training in ASEAN: A Comparative Overview of Systems and Programs

Monitoring Performance of Legal and Judicial Reform in International Development Assistance

How can the impact of legal and judicial reforms be monitored? This paper, presented to the International Bar Association, examines the application of performance monitoring in Cambodia and Papua New Guinea. It argues for substantial increases in international investment in performance monitoring and evaluation of legal and judicial reform efforts. This requires a transition from monitoring implementation of reform activities to refocus on developing frameworks that are capable of monitoring the impact of those activities on sector performance.