Lawmakers discuss draft Law on Administrative Litigation

The highlight of the agenda on the last day of the National Assembly Standing Committee yesterday was the discussion of the Administrative Litigation Law (ALL) bill.

The law makers focused their discussion on how to ensure the law would be well enforced, and how administrative decisions and State management of the implementation of the ALL could be guaranteed.

Tran The Vuong, Head of the Ombudsman Committee, expressed his concerns about the challenges facing the implementation of decisions made by an administrative court.

He asked the law drafting committee to come up with a mechanism enabling the implementation of administrative court orders in a much more practical way, avoiding delays in the implementation of their judgements.

Truong Hoa Binh, Chief Judge of the Supreme People's Court, suggested that the People's Procuracy take the duty to inspect and monitor the implementation of court orders in their respective localities.

"The People's Procuracy is the competent authorised agency to perform this job," said Binh.

The objective of the ALL is to provide citizens with the right to launch administrative actions against State organs for any infringement of their civil rights.

The 35th session of the NA Standing Committee ended yesterday.

In his closing remarks, NA Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong said during the meeting, the participants reviewed the implementation of the country's 2010 socio-economic plan and discussed the 2011 budget.

The participants also heard reports on the implementation of the fight against corruption and the practice of thrift in 2010 as well as the fight against crimes, judicial work, and administrative reform amongst other topics.

Other important tasks for the 35th session of the Standing Committee included preparing for the upcoming session of the National Assembly'sfull meeting which is slated for October 20th. — VNS