Justice Minister pays pre-Tet visit to Hanoi Law University and Judicial Academy

Justice Minister pays pre-Tet visit to Hanoi Law University and Judicial Academy
On January 16, Justice Minister Ha Hung Cuong, accompanied by Deputy Minister Hoang The Lien, Le Hong Son, Nguyen Thuy Hien and other leaders of departments under Ministry of Justice, paid pre-Tet visits to Hanoi Law University and Judicial Academy.
On this occasion, the Minister congratulated Doctor Phan Chi Hieu and Professor and Doctor Nguyen Thai Phuc on being respectively appointed as Rector of Hanoi Law University and  Director of Judicial Academy. The Minister also acknowledged the efforts of the leaders, individuals and collectives of the two training institutions in implementing the training targets and gaining sustainable development. He also offered his wish for a happy new year and success to all lecturers, staff and students of the two training institutions in the Justice Sector./.-ITD