Conference to review the Party work in 2011 and deploy the orientation, tasks for 2012

Conference to review the Party work in 2011 and deploy the orientation,  tasks for 2012
On December 28, the Party Committee of the Justice Ministry held a conference to review the Party work in 2011 and deploy the orientation,  tasks for 2012. Attending the meeting were Deputy Minister Hoang The Lien; Deputy Minister Dinh Trung Tung, Secretary of the Ministry’s Party Committee; Deputy Minister Nguyen Thuy Hien, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry’s Party Committee; Deputy Minister Pham Quy Ty; Deputy Minister Le Hong Son; Mr. Nguyen Duy Lam, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Ministry’s Party Executive Committee and representatives from Party committee of the central agencies.
Mr. Nguyen Duy Lam briefly reported the Party work in 2011 and deploy the orientation,  tasks for 2012; Ms. Nguyen Thuy Hien presented the Plan further promoting the campaign of learning and following the moral example of President Ho Chi Minh.

Addressing  at the meeting, Deputy Minister Hoang The Lien acknowledged the results and efforts of the Ministry’s Party committee, sub-committees and the whole Party members contributing to the overall success of the Ministry. He then pointed out certain shortcomings and limitations that the Ministry’s Party Committee needed to overcome in the coming time.
Concluding the conference, Deputy Minister Dinh Trung Tung emphasized that the whole Party committee needed to pay special attention to and put forth guidance to the building of Party organizations, the inspection and leadership of unions and the public, in order to build up the Ministry’s pure, strong, united and combative Party Committee.

The conference awarded 30 and 40 year Party Committee membership Badges as well as announced the decision and emulation lists./.-ITD