The first dialogue on security transaction registration

Assisting the Government in performing the state management on security transaction registration, with the sponsor from the project supporting the implementation of laws on international economic integration - United State Agency for International Development (USAID), Ministry of Justice on December 26, organized the first dialogue forum on security transaction registration.
Deputy Minister Dinh Trung Tung attended and had an opening speech.

Apart from presentations of representatives from credit institutions on practical implementation of the registration and information on security transactions, the forum provided participants with opportunities to exchange views, openly discuss and directly answer the problems arising in the practice of implementing legal stipulations on secured transaction registration.

Mr.Vu Duc Long, Director of National Registration of security transactions Department and Mr.John Bently,  USIAD Chief Legal Advisor, expected that the success of this Forum would enable State management agencies to make further efforts in researching and building an integrated legal system and a friendly registry system  that best served organizations and individuals./.-ITD