In the first 6 months of 2015, ministries and agencies have effectively implemented the Resolution 19/NQ-CP of the Government on major tasks and solutions to improve business environment, enhance national competitiveness, contributing to the progress of administration reform of the country. In terms of institution, much more attention has been paid to administration procedure reform. Therefore, important progress has been made in the fields of taxation, customs, social insurance and electricity service, pushing up production and business and enhancing national competitiveness. In addition, one stop shop, and interrelated mechanisms have been scaled up in localities, most of which have presently provided one stop shop and interrelated services at district levels. Some localities such as Da Nang, Quang Ninh, Binh Duong have piloted provincial and district centers for public administration services, concentrated administration centers as one stop shop for transparently processing administration procedures thus creating favorable conditions for people and businesses.
According to the report of the Government Standing Committee for Administration Reform, in the first 6 months of 2015, 4,452 out of 4,723 administration procedures have been simplified. Ministries and agencies submitted over 60 decrees to the Government for issuing, of which many decrees have provisions on administration procedures and administration procedure reform.
However, there have been some limitations and shortcomings which need to be solved in the time to come. There remain constraints in responsibilities of the heads of offices and assessment of performance of cadres, public employees and civil servants. Moreover, State employees and cadres’ quality, though has been improved, has fallen short of requirements. The legal system is incomplete, overlapping and lack of detailed regulations on implementation of laws; the administrative apparatus is still cumbersome and not yet high efficient; though Government focal points have decreased, focal points of ministries, and general departments stayed the same and post-decentralization supervision is not effective.
Regarding tasks of the remaining months of 2015, the Deputy Prime Minister urged ministries and agencies to uniformly and drastically perform these tasks. They need to consider administration reform a focal task and a breakthrough in socio-economic development and a constant and long-term endeavor. In addition, ministries and agencies have to pay due attention to leading and executing administration reform to live up to its role and importance as one of the three strategic breakthroughs. Programs, plans, concrete objectives, focus, and target must be designed and sufficient resources must be allocated. In law making, legislation must be legal and feasible and conform to the Constitution; the lawmakers must pay attention to feedbacks to policies and regularly review and supervise to complete mechanism, policies, legislation and revise those which are no longer suitable. In addition, as for administration procedure reform, 25 resolutions of the Governments in this field must be continuously implemented effectively. One stop shop and interrelated mechanisms in local administrative offices must be improved. Ministries, agencies and localities must successfully implement Resolution 39-NQ/TW of the Politburo on staff cut and rearrangement of cadres, public employees and civil servants, said Deputy Prime Minister./.