Ministry of Justice approved Project on applying information technology in statistics of the Justice sector for the 2014-2018 period

On 8 February 2014, Minister Ha Hung Cuong issued Decision No. 298/QD-BTP approving Project on applying information technology in statistics of the Justice sector for the 2014-2018 period (hereafter called the Project).

The Project has several important purposes. One of its key objectives is to complete and apply information technology products supporting statistics of the Justice sector, towards the automation of activities of collecting, aggregating, processing and transmitting statistical information. Another purpose of the Project is to establish "opening" means in the network environment in order to introduce and disseminate policies and laws of statistics, to promote activities and statistical information of the Justice sector. Thereby, the comprehension, accuracy and timeliness of statistical information will be ensured, serving well the direction and management within the Justice sector and the society’s demands for research and statistical information usage. This will contribute to speeding up administrative reforms in the Justice sector.

In order to reach these above purposes, the Project has proposed six groups of specific tasks which need to be focused in the 2014-2018 period, as follows:

- (1) Strengthening infrastructure and information technology equipment serving statistics of the Justice sector;

- (2) Building a portal of statistics;

- (3) Building and upgrading related software;

- (4) Training and fostering knowledge about information technology for staff working in statistics divisions;

- (5) Drafting a project on statistics database of the Justice sector;

- (6) Learning domestic and foreign experience of applying information technology in statistics and enhancing the cooperation in this field.

The effective implementation of the Project will significantly contribute to the renewal of statistics of the Justice sector in the years to come

Ta Dinh Tuyen