Steering Committee for implementation of the scheme overall simplification of administrative procedures, citizenship papers held the first meeting

Steering Committee for implementation of the scheme overall simplification of administrative procedures, citizenship papers and databases related to population management period 2013-2020 (896 Steering Committee) on September 06 has the first session was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Head of Directing Committee. The problem that the members of the Steering Committee discuss particular interest is to find funding for the project implementation and coordination between ministries in the implementation of this scheme.

According to the decision of the Prime Minister, the 896 Steering Committee consists of 17 members led by Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc as its head. The Chief Deputy of the Committee include Justice Minister Ha Hung Cuong (Vice Chairman Standing Committee), the Minister of Public Security Tran Dai Quang, Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Bac Son, Deputy Chairman of the Government Office Kieu Dinh Thu. 12 members of the Steering Committee are the Deputy Minister of the Ministry and agencies.

Addressing the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc emphasized that the official launch of the Steering Committee is to report to all of the people on the implementation of the Scheme 896 in period 2013-2020, the most important is the level identifier for each individual. He also emphasized the successful implementation of this scheme determines the success of the reform program for the State Administration in 2020.

The session focused on discussing the draft Regulation on the operation of the Steering Committee, and the draft Planning Scheme implementation period 2013 - 2020; receiving the report reviews the Steering Committee members and the effective implementation of the scheme from June until now.