One more chance of rehabilitation for juveniles violates

The Law on Handling of Administrative Violations will be effective from the first day of July. This is the first time Vietnam apply alternative measures Handling of Administrative Violations of violating minors. That is, instead of applying formal sanctions such as warnings and education at communes, wards and townships, the authorities can measure reminders, home monitoring to improve effective education minor violations. Draft Decree detailing on this issue is urgently completed by Justice Ministry.

Ms Nguyen Kim Thoa, Director of Department of Criminal and Administrative Legislation, Ministry of Justice said that reminder, home monitoring is considered humane methods, the limitations of public discrimination towards persons not minor violations, while raising the interest of the family and loved ones on the guide and help their child, the burden for government agencies in the implementation of security, social order and safety.

However, to ensure deterrence and achieve the purpose of education, the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations of the regulations at the time the family supervision if a minor to violate the law, competent to decide to terminate the application of this measure and dealt with according to law.

It is expected that the Decree detailed measure of education at communes, wards, townships and alternative handling of administrative violations shall be effective from the date of 01/7/2013, along with time effective implementation of the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations.